Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sharing beds

Meowy doesn't like to share anything: food, love, owners, and beds.
But today he did so well!
Kinda... Meowy has a tendency to make others (other pets) uncomfortable. Toonie was actually here before, but Meowy is happily lying down and giving a bad vibe to poor Toonie.

Toonie's thoughts:
What? Why's he here? Mom!

I think he just told me to shut up. (HELP)

I guess I should try to sleep again...

Never mind, I can't! GET ME OUT 

On the other hand, Meowy didn't seem to be bothered by Toonie at all. Such a selfish cat. 
I love them both!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Distracting Meowy

Cats can be so distracting.
They are so random, and like to make the weirdest spots their resting nest, such as my textbook.

It is funny how Meowy isn't the cuddliest cat out there, and it sometimes seems like he wants to be alone all the time, but I guess he needs a bit of attention from time to time. I've been studying for my chemistry test and out of all the possible spots, he chose my textbook. Sigh. 

I can't push him off either! No studying for a while I guess...

Wednesday 17 April 2013


Hi all,

This is my first post on my cat blog and am very excited to share my love for cats with you! I will be updating soon, so stay tuned!

-Cathy and Meowy