Saturday 17 August 2013

Open the door!

I know cats usually can't be trained, and I know my cat especially is very selfish and looks down on humans, but I've managed to 'train' him a little. When he wants to go outside or come inside, he has to scratch the door. I know it sounds stupid, but trust me, it's really cute. He's been doing it sometimes, and here he is begging to go out! Lemme out!

Friday 16 August 2013

Meowy's carefree life

I came home this afternoon and this is what I see:

I think Meowy is living his life carefree and all. Just look at him; he does what he loves to do. 
Meowy is a lazy piece of bum having the time of his life. 

Sunday 11 August 2013

Cat under the umbrella (melted crayon art)

Today was a little drab. Weather wise. It is still mid August, yet the sun has gone down and the clouds have rolled in. And it's raining. I can never welcome rain during the summer. Never. I've just been so traumatized by the 10 months of rain a year in Vancouver that I don't like it. 
So this is my melting crayon art depicting the life in Vancouver. Despite what I said earlier, the rain is kinda beautiful and calming. And I have an excuse to do nothing and not feel bad if you know what I mean.

This art project wasn't done recently, but I still wanted to share this cool and easy craft that everyone can do. My friend was the one who introduced me to this melting-the-crayon-to-make-art phenomenon, and so I put some thought before I went ahead to do this. The one with a silhouette of a person under crayon rain seemed popular on the internet. I didn't really want to paint a person, so I decided to go with a cat which made more sense to me anyway. 
My final product

I got a pack of 64 crayons from Walmart. I broke the crayon into two or three pieces so there were enough for my canvas, then hot glued it to the top.I got mostly blues, but also some greens and purples which made it look more awesome. I drew the black cat first and then painted the silhouette of it later.
Some people don't like the look of crayons on the canvas and prefer to do another method. Click here to check out the detailed and awesome post; it's my favourite one so far!

before melting and painting 
my cat silhouette

A good tip when using a blow dryer is to keep it at the weakest setting possible so the hot air just melts it, not blow it away. You'll love the texture afterwards!

close up of the melted crayons 

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Enjoying the sun

Today was really nice in terms of weather- not too hot, not too sunny. Meowy seemed to enjoy the sun, too, in the front yard. He has his special nest he likes to sit on, and he was sleeping on it today! 

how adorable!!

Stop bugging me, I'm trying to sleep!

Meowy forever killed the plants 

The flowers were so pretty on this beautiful summer day. So beautiful!
Beautiful hydrangea

Meowy in the background

Saturday 15 June 2013

Homemade jam and Meowy and Toonie

Today was a homemade jam kind of day. Nah, it HAD to be a homemade jam kind of day because we had lots and lots of older-not-so-good-looking strawberries. So guess who had to haul the stems and sort them and make sure there were no funky molds on them? Me.
My hands were bloody red by the time I was done, and I went out on to the deck to wash them.
Meowy watching me wash the strawberries
And the final product! (before it gets cooked and all that)

 So red. So beautiful.

And Meowy wanted to enjoy the sun too!

Meowy loves to smell things. He'll come up to anything to smell it and leave his furry-ness on it.

Meowy trying to smell the camera

 And of course, Toonie follows right out. He loves attention, just like Meowy.
Hi Toonie!

And for my homemade jam, the final final product:

I put them in jars to give to a few friends, but I have a whole bucket container filled with jam in the fridge. 
Yay for homemade jams!

And some multigrain bagel with xream cheese and my homemade jam- oh so good!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Hungry Toonie and sleeping Meowy

Who wants some homemade yam fries? I do! These homemade treats were delicious- just as delicious as the ones in restaurants! The key is to spice them up a little. I sprinkled some paprika, garlic powder, chili powder, herbs, and of course salt and pepper. 
Toonie wanted some fries, too, so he was waiting patiently (not really). 

On the otherhand, Meowy was sleeping... He's been sleeping all day, but I guess all day is not good enough for cats. Look at that belly he's got! And his adorable paws! 

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sharing beds

Meowy doesn't like to share anything: food, love, owners, and beds.
But today he did so well!
Kinda... Meowy has a tendency to make others (other pets) uncomfortable. Toonie was actually here before, but Meowy is happily lying down and giving a bad vibe to poor Toonie.

Toonie's thoughts:
What? Why's he here? Mom!

I think he just told me to shut up. (HELP)

I guess I should try to sleep again...

Never mind, I can't! GET ME OUT 

On the other hand, Meowy didn't seem to be bothered by Toonie at all. Such a selfish cat. 
I love them both!